Les yeux dans le noir – DVD Rugby et Toros


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By Zaragoza Clouds

Le combat et l’espéranceLes Yeux dans le Noir – Grand Ecran


In France more than 10 million people go to the Ferias bullfighting festivals, and even if they don’t always go to a bullfighting arena, bullfighting is part and parcel of any Feria.  There are fiestas without “toros”, but no Feria without bullfighting.  This all-important cultural and festive phenomenon has never been portrayed in its entirety.  A Feria is not just a bullfight but a whole succession of bullfights.  It’s not just a series of fiestas but the fiesta of many nights.  The duration, stamina and permanence of emotions are crucial to try to understand and get to the heart of the Feria in France’s southern cities.
To tell this story it was important to go beyond the Pyrenees all the way to Andalucía to see one of the biggest breeding farms for fighting bulls.  And get close to bullfighters to try to understand why the greatest artists have been struck by the emotion emanating from the faces of a man and a bull.

What would bullfighting be today without Federico Garcia Lorca, without Francisco Goya, without Picasso, without Cocteau, without Montherlant or without Hemingway.  The Feria today is even today inhabited by their presence.
French Ferias are plentiful.  Jacques Alain Raynaud chose Béziere to represent them since the town intrigued him by its success in the middle of summer and by its youthfulness.  He could have chosen Nimes or Dax, Arles or Bayonne, Vic-Fezeneac or Mont-de-Marzan: they all mark the history of Southern France.
A main player in this movie, Alain Moncouquiol, “Nimeno”, often returns to the mundillo (the bullfighting community) after the tragic death of his brother, “Nimeno II).  We see the first steps into the bullring stands of other players (a painter, an archaeologist, a wine grower), and their curiosity, reluctance and musings about this controversial art.
We learn the rules and subtleties of a corrida; the sorteo (drawing of lots for the toros); the tercio de pique (when the toro charges a caparisoned horse, a picador explains the role of the Presidency of a bull race, etc.
We enter into the complex and colourful world of a southern French Feria.  We encounter horses, musicians, party-people, festival people and all the other participants who look after the proper managing of these days and sleepless nights.  The Feria was and is the biggest people’s party in the South of France, revolving around King Toro.  Discover it in this DVD.


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